SPIM-DAM-902: Seminar

Master degree: DAMAS
Mention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMASReference number of the course: SPIM-DAM-902
Full name of the course : Seminar

Department: UFR MIM

Coordinating lecturer and email address: Laszlo Toth, laszlo.toth@univ-lorraine.fr, Sabine Denis, sabine.denis@univ-lorraine.fr,

Course is given each year in fall semester: 9 & 10

Number of teaching hours: 30h Number of ECTS credits : 3
Number of personal studying hours : 30h
Teaching language: English
% of external lecturer: 100%
Origin of the lecturer: Invited professors from foreign universities

Teaching information on the course Number of hours per typeof teaching Grading method*
lectures Tutorials Practicals others
Seminar 3 30 Presence and 2-3 pages written report
* see legend below
Objectives :Making students aware of the progress in the field of material science and metallurgical engineering in fundamental research.
Pre-requirements : General knowledge of physics, chemistry, mechanics and material science at M1 level
Educational content of the course
Series of lectures by scientists in the field of mechanics and material science given by the invited professors of the Laboratory of Excellence DAMAS. 15 seminars planned with duration of 2H per seminar. In the first 1H, the lecturer presents a current topic of research, in the field of chemical, physical or mechanical metallurgy. In the second part, there is a discussion period between the lecturer and the students. At the end of all lectures, the students prepare a 2-3 page report about selected questions and answers given during the seminars. This report will be used for evaluation of the student’s performance.
  • Grading method:

Written: Written exam
Internship training: Report
ORAL : Oral test