SPIM-MET-907: Numerical metallurgy

Master degree: DAMASMention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMAS
Commun with SPIM-AMA-914 SPIM-MET- 907

Reference number of the course: SPIM-MET-907
Full name of the course: Numerical metallurgy
Department: UFR ST
Coordinating lecturer and email address : Sabine Denis, sabine.denis@univ-lorraine.fr
Course is given each year in fall semester : 9
Number of teaching hours: 30h Number of ECTS credits: 3
Number of personal studying hours: 60h
Teaching language: English
% of external lecturer: 60%
Origin of the lecturer (industry….): CNRS

Teaching information on the course Number of hours per typeof teaching Grading method*
Lectures Tutorials Practicals Others
Numerical metallurgy 3 15 15 Written, report, oral
* see legend below
Objectives : knowing computer codes for phase diagrams, solidification, phase transformation kinetics, residual stresses and deformations calculations and the basis of the underlying models; analysing assumptions and the sets of input data; analysing the results learning to take a critical look
Pre-requirements : knowledge in thermodynamics, solidification, solid-solid phase transformations, thermomechanical behaviour laws of materials
Educational contentof the course – Calculation of phase diagrams ; principle of Calphad method ; use of Thermocalc software
– Kinetics of phase transformations ; principle of nucleation-growth models ; use of a precipitation code.
– Solidification : principle of solidification models for predicting grain structures and chemical macrosegregations; use of code Solid.
– Heat Treatment : use of a numerical finite element code for coupled thermal – metallurgical – mechanical calculations for the prediction of microstructures, residual stresses and distortions
  • Grading method:

Written: Written exam
Internship training: Report
ORAL : Oral test