SPIM-MM-910: Experimental methods in solid mechanics

Master degree: DAMAS
Mention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMAS
Commun to SPIM-MM-910
Reference number of the course: SPIM-MM-910
Full name of the course : Experimental methodsinsolid mechanicsDepartment: Art et Métiers ParisTech
Coordinating lecturer and email address : F. MERAGHNI FODIL.MERAGHNI@ensam.eu
Course given each year in fall semester : 9
Number of teaching hours: 30h Number of ECTS credits : 4
Number of personal studying hours : 30h
Teaching language : English
% of external lecturer : 0%
Origin of the lecturer (industry….) : University of Lorraine
Teaching information on the course Number of hours per type
of teaching
Grading method*
Lectures Tutorials Practicals others
Experimental methodsinsolid mechanics 4 22 8 written
 * see legend below
Objectives :
Introduce students to the methods and tools of research for the implementation of experimental approaches dedicated to the construction and identification of solid mechanics models.
Pre-requirements :
Mechanical bases of solids – Behaviour of Materials
Educational content of the course
This course is an introduction to methods and tools specific to the implementation of experimental approaches in solid mechanics. It aims to provide students with basic scientific knowledge to define and implement a consistent experimental approach dedicated to the characterisation or identification of the mechanical behavior of materials and structures. In the first part, the course covers the main aspects inherent in the measurement and experimental data processing particularly in terms of measurement errors. The second part is devoted to presenting examples of experimental techniques and their recent advances in the characterisation particularly for mechanical tests. Besides the description of these techniques, we aim to show, through research studies, the interest of the experimental method to build, to identify or to enrich the modeling of solid state mechanics at different scales: micro-macro-meso levels. A part of the course is devoted to optical microscopy and scanning electron. Some experimental methods and techniques implemented for the study of fragile and ductile materials are included in the course.
• Introduction to measurement in solid mechanics – Measurement errors
• Measurement of kinematic fields by optical methods: grid technique, correlation and stereo image correlation. application to the identification of the laws of mechanical behavior.
• Acoustic emission technique, application to damage in composite materials.
• Infrared Thermography, application to the mechanical behavior in fatigue
• Introduction to optical microscopy (confocal and interferometry) and scanning electron microscopy
• Experimental methods for the study of brittle and ductile materials under extreme conditions
• Application of the Computed-Microtomography (mCT) to microstructure and damage mechanisms investigation.
Besides the courses, the students will acquire practical hands on and will perform experiments using DIC and interpret the results for homogeneous and heterogeneous test configurations.
* Grading method :
WRITTEN : written exam
Internship training : written report / Master thesis
ORAL : oral test