International Master Research

accueilAn International Master Research built around two major themes of materials sciences; mechanics of materials and microstructures, is offered at the University of Lorraine. The teaching is given in English and the program is open to students of all nationalities with a Master M1 level or equivalent, that is, for students that have already studied one year at graduate level and wishing to realize their 2nd year of Master in an international atmosphere. The objective of this new master research is to train high-level executives in metallurgy and in mechanics of materials. At the end of this course, the students will possess all knowledge necessary to pursue their career in academics or towards industrial research.

This course aims to train specialists covering the fields of metallurgy and mechanics of materials at engineering and Master levels that meet the expectations of a wide variety of professional sectors of production and processing of metallic alloys (automotive industry, aeronautics, energy, equipment, public works, new technologies, …) in France and in Europe but also worldwide.

After this master, the obtained master research diploma will open the opportunities for future research in doctorate in the academic laboratories of the Lorraine Region, especially in the Jean Lamour Institute in Nancy and in the LEM3 Laboratory in Metz – the two funding laboratories of the master DAMAS – and All courses and research activities are in English. The program is organized over two semesters with a first half allocated to specific courses and the second half more dedicated to research training. The teaching is organized in 216 hours face-to-face lectures, tutorials, practical, seminars and literature survey. The courses are structured in four compulsory teaching units allowing students from very different backgrounds to complement and strengthen their knowledge that will constitute the theoretical basis for their research studies. Among the compulsory courses, students should attend seminars given by internationally renowned researchers. In addition to the 21 ECTS units (European Credits Transfer System) attributed to the compulsory courses, students can choose from optional courses after consultation with their internship supervisor. For graduation, students must successfully complete the courses and the defense of their Master thesis with a minimum of 60 ECTS credits. The courses will be given by faculty members of the University of Lorraine belonging to the IJL and LEM3 laboratories located in Nancy and Metz, respectively. Synchrotron and neutrons in metallurgy 3 S10 Research internship 30 The LEM3 and the metallurgy component of the IJL laboratories are carrying out their research also in a joint Laboratory of Excellence, called ‘DAMAS’; Design of Alloy Metals for low-mAss Structures, which was established in 2012 with a special founding from the French Government within the Investment in the Future Action. The LabEx DAMAS is offering six stipendiums for selected eminent master student candidates ( open the opportunities for future research in doctorate in the academic laboratories of the Lorraine Region, especially in the Jean Lamour Institute in Nancy and in the LEM3 Laboratory in Metz – the two funding laboratories of the master DAMAS – and more widely, in laboratories across France, also abroad. Indeed, these two laboratories have strong academic collaborations with 60 laboratories worldwide as well as partnerships with technological research institutes in France (Technological Research Institute in Materials-Metallurgy-Processes; IRT-M2P, Center of Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Technologies; CEA Tech) as well as research centers of advanced industries (for example, Arcelor-Mittal Research).

Registration is available:
(The deadline for application is mid-June 2018)