SPIM-MM-911: Mechanical behaviour of Materials

Master degree: DAMAS
Mention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMAS
Commun to SPIM-MM-911
Reference number of the course: SPIM-MM-911
Full name of the course : Mechanical behaviour of materials
Department: UFR MIM
Coordinating lecturer and email address : Olivier Bouaziz, olivier.bouaziz@univ-lorraine.fr
Course given each year in fall semester : 9
Number of teaching hours: 30h Number of ECTS credits : 4
Number of personal studying hours : 30h
Teaching language : English
% of external lecturer : 0%
Origin of the lecturer (industry….) : University of Lorraine
Teaching information on the course Number of hours per typeof teaching Grading method*
lectures Tutorials Practicals others
Mechanical behaviour of materials 4 20 10 written
* see legend below
Objectives :To develop theoretical knowledge and computational tools for the mechanical behavior of materials
Pre-requirements :General notion of Materials Science and continuum mechanics
Educational content of the course

  1. Elastic-viscoplastic behaviorthrough classicalmechanical models(Maxwell,Kelvin, Zener)
    2. Elastoplasticity
    Plasticity criteria (Tresca, Mises, Hill, Schmid)
    Prandtl-Reuss model (J2 theory)
    Incremental relationship between stress and strain hardening in general
    3. Viscoplasticity
    crystalline viscoplasticity
    4. Elastoviscoplasticity
    5. Behaviour of Nanocrystalline materials
* Grading method : WRITTEN : written exam
Internship training : written report / Master thesis
ORAL : oral test