S10-OT1: Internship training

Master degree: DAMAS
Mention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMAS
Reference number of the course: S10-OT1Full name of the course : Internship training
Department: UFR ST
Coordinating lecturer and email address : Laszlo Toth, lazslo.toth@univ-lorraine.fr, sabine Denis, sabine.denis@univ-lorraine.fr,
Course is given each year in fall semester : 10

Number of teaching hours:Number of ECTS credits : 30
Number of personal studying hours : 600h
Teaching language :
% of external lecturer :
Origin of the lecturer (industry….) :

Teaching information on the course Number of hours per typeof teaching Grading method*
lectures Tutorials Practicals others
Internship training 600 written/oral
* see legend below
Objectives :Topositionthe studentin abusiness
Pre-requirements :
Educational content of the course
The internship training will take place over a period of 20 weeks minimum in academic or industrial research laboratory. This immersion period will allow the student to understand better the resesearch world. The goal is to apply academic knowledge to a particular subject.
* Grading method : WRITTEN : written exam
Internship training : written report + oral presentation
ORAL : oral test