SPIM-DAM-903: Powder Metallurgy Technology and Sintering

Master degree: DAMAS
Mention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMASReference number of the course: SPIM-DAMAS-903Full name of the course : Powder Metallurgy Technology and SinteringDepartment: UFR MIM
Coordinating lecturer and email address : Thierry GROSDIDIER, thierry.grosdidier@univ-lorraine.fr
Course is given each year in fall semester : 9
Number of teaching hours: 30h Number of ECTS credits :3
Number of personal studying hours : 30h
Teaching language : English
% of external lecturer : 0%
Origin of the lecturer (industry….) : University of Lorraine
Teaching information on the course Number of hours per type
of teaching
Grading method*
lectures Tutorials Practicals others
Powder processing 6 2 written
Techniques for powder characterization 4 4 written
Powder consolidation and sintering 12 2 visits written
 * see legend below
Objectives :
In recent years, the development of new techniques and fabrication procedures via powder metallurgy (PM) has opened new markets for inovative materials. The success of the P/M process derives from its ability to mass-produce complex structural parts with savings in labor, material, and/or energy. Materials now routinely processed by P/M include aerospace superalloys, low-alloy steels, and tool steels; some of which are virtually impossible to process by any other means. This course provides with fundamentals of PM and discusses the equipment used in production and the new last developments used for optimised techniques/materials.
Pre-requirements :
General notion of Materials Science
Physical Metallurgy Fundamentals — chemical equilibrium, atomic order/disorder, equilibrium phase diagrams, mechanical properties, strengthening methods, recrystallization, grain growth …
Educational content of the course 1. Powder Production — atomization of liquid metals (gas, water, oil, soluble gas, rotating electrode, rotating disk), chemical reaction methods, reduction, precipitation, electrolytic deposition, milling and mechanical processing
2. Powder Characterization for particle size and shape, particle size distribution, characterization methods (sieving, microscopic examination, light obscuration/scattering, permeametry, etc.)
Powder Characterization for sampling and consolidation, chemical composition, apparent density and flow, tap density, compressibiltiy, green strength, toxicity
3. Applied and Fundamental Aspects of Sintering — effects on geometry, microstructure, and mechanical properties, material transport, diffusion
4. Examples of compacting and sintering methods , cold isostatic pressing, high energy rate compaction, injection molding, extrusion of powder, roll compacting, slip casting, Liquid-Phase Sintering, hot densification, activated sintering, hot isostatic pressing (HIP), thermal spraying, spark plasma sintering (SPS), prototyping, additive manufacturing …
5. Case studies and applications : cemented carbides, porous materials, filters, electrodes, RS and ODS alloys, refractory metals, electric contact materials, switch materials, electrodes, friction materials, magnetic applications …
* Grading method :
WRITTEN : written exam
Internship training : Rapport de Stage
ORAL : oral test