SPIM-MET-910: Non ferrous alloys and metal matrix composites

Master degree: DAMAS
Mention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMAS
Commun with SPIM-AMA-917 SPIM-MET-910Reference number of the course: SPIM-MET-910
Full name of the course: Non ferrous alloys and metal matrix composites

Department: UFR ST
Coordinating lecturer and email address : Moukrane Dehmas, moukrane.dehmas@univ-lorraine.fr
Course is given each year in fall semester : 9

Number of teaching hours: 30h Number of ECTS credits: 2
Number of personal studying hours: 30h
Teaching language: English
% of external lecturer: 15%
Origin of the lecturer (industry….): industrial (SNECMA)

Teaching information on the course Number of hours per typeof teaching Grading method*
Lectures Tutorials Practicals Others
Non ferrous alloys and metal matrix composites 2 30 Written, report, oral
* see legend below
Objectives: To deduce a basic understanding of the main families of titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, nickel-based alloys, metal matrix composites and types of thermal and thermomechanical treatments. To predict the structural changes of the material as a function of the heat treatment or thermomechanical treatment. To establish the link with the final characteristics of the material.
Pre-requirements: Basic knowledge in phase diagram, diffusion, crystal structure and defects.
Educational content of the course:Formation of the microstructures and microstructures/properties relationships in the titanium alloys, aluminium alloys, nickel-based alloys, metal matrix composites… as a function of the thermal and thermomechanical treatments.
  • Grading method:

Written: Written exam
Internship training: Report
ORAL : Oral test