SPIM-MM-918: Texture & Physical Properties of Materials

Master degree: DAMAS
Mention SPIM – Spécialité MET, Parcours DAMAS
Commun to SPIM-MM-918
Reference number of the course: SPIM-MM-918Full name of the course : Texture & physical properties of materialsDepartment: UFR MIMCoordinating lecturer and email address : Benoit Beausir, benoit.beausir@univ-lorraine.fr
Course is given each year in fall semester : 9
Number of teaching hours: 30h Number of ECTS credits : 4
Number of personal studying hours : 30h
Teaching language : English
% of external lecturer : 0%
Origin of the lecturer (industry….) : University of Lorraine
Teaching information on the course Number of hours per type of teaching MCC*
CM TD TP Others
Texture & physical properties of materials 4 20 10 written
* see legend below
Objectives :
This course describes the methods for determining the orientation density function (ODF) characterizing the texture of polycrystals. It will then be shown that the knowledge of the ODF enables the prediction a number of physical properties of materials.
Pre-requirements :
Basic knowledge of materials and crystalline structures, crystallography and crystallographic calculations
Educational content of the course
1. Texture and determination of texture
• Recalls of crystallography, direct and reciprocal lattice, crystallographic calculations with tensor.
• Orientations, Orientation Density Function, pole density, pole figures, measurements of pole figures, the techniques of RX measurement
• Individual orientation measurements.
2. Harmonic method of texture analysis
Mathematical principles of the method, taking into account the symmetries, calculation and representation of the orientation density function, calculation of the orientation density function from individual orientations
3. Physical properties and calculation of average values
Averaging elastic constants of a polycrystal by methods Voigt, Reuss and Hill
Thermal expansion, magnetic properties
4. Models of polycrystalline plasticity
Various models of polycrystalline plasticity, field rotations and changes in texture, texture formation during a particular process, texture processing during phase transformations
5. TD will be partially performed on the software JTEX
* Grading method :
WRITTEN : written exam
Internship training : written report / Master thesis
ORAL : oral test